Saturday, 19 May 2007

Ahhh nothing like a sunday spent at uni is it? well I have alot of 3d work to work on today so ill show you what I will hopefully complete.

I am creating a new film about a little creature temporarily named Mutie. He has had alot of bad luck in the past which leads to his current unpleasent appearance. Isn't he cute!!!! well as we have a look back throught his little pathetic life it all began with one nacho that changed the coarse of time leading to his accidents resulting in him being mutated. He remembers the nacho and confronts him down an alleyway and in the end triumphs over the tasty chip to only find that by destroying the nacho, he gave up his one chance at being normal and so hes back to where he started.

its a small film, only about 2 or 3 minutes long with the whole thing set on a giant theatre stage with old rundown props to simulate his flashback environments except he doesnt know why he is in a theatre or why its being played out like this.

In the end it is like one big theatrical dramawith poor little mutie as the unfortunate main character that gets the bad luck.

ill kepp you posted on the progress of this little film. I like it, it seems cute and quirky enough to be up here!

Lady M.